Today is the big day for Apple iPhone 7 Launch!!

Wednesday is a big day in the tech world. Apple is holding its annual launch event where the new iPhone 7 is expected to be revealed.

Another year, another iPhone. But then, it’s hardly just been “another year” for Apple, has it?

The tech rumour mill has been running at fever pitch about possible new iPhone features and gadgetry.

Many commentators expect Apple to have ditched the headphone jack, leaving only one port.

That wouiphone 7ld force consumers to use Bluetooth headphones or buy those compatible with Apple’s Lightning port that is also used for charging.

However, old gear won’t be completely obsolete, as Apple is expected to include an adapter jack. The speculation is it will be the same with the model due to be revealed on Wednesday in San Francisco. More of the same – just a little bit better.

Since last September, when we saw the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, the tech giant’s world has been turned upside down. A war over encryption, a declining iPhone, a continuing struggle in China and, most recently, the tax bill to end all tax bills.

Looking a bit further ahead, some are speculating that Apple is holding back this time around, instead saving new features for 2017 and what will be the iPhone’s 10th anniversary. While the new models will be revealed to the world at the launch, consumers will have to wait a few weeks before they are shipped. Pre-orders are expected to open on Friday.

And after recent bad publicity ranging from issues around security flaws to tax problems, the world’s most valuable listed company hopes the iPhone will be a hit.


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