What the Tech world predicts about iPhone7??

What the Tech world predicts about iPhone7??

What Will Apple Announce On September 7th?

apple 6

The whole web is talking about the launch of iPhone7!!

From the outsources of some very fishy rumors floating around on the internet, here are the top five things we predict to be the reality, when iPhone7 will be launched on September 7.

  1. Dual cameras in the back:- The most favorable rumor on the internet seems to be that there would be dual cameras in the back of the new iPhone. Both cameras would work together to generate one picture, with better zoom, exceptionally faster focus and perhaps much more detailing. 
  2. No AUX port:- There will be a removal of removal of the AUX. Instead, a single lightening cable port would be sued for music playback, data transfer, as well as, charging. How this is going to be practical for those looking to charge their device, as well as, listen to music is unclear at the moment. Well the other technological developers need to focus this!!
  3. Edge to edge display:- To add to the beauty, several blueprint designs, casings and possible leaks of the new iPhone 7 floating on the internet suggest that it may completely get rid of the plastic top and bottom ribbon on the iPhone and be working edge to edge.
  4. Touch sensitive home button:- Just when you thought Apple couldn’t possible fit more technology into the home button, Well hold on!! Latest rumors strongly suggest the home button may be provided with touch sensitive technology, which can be used to alter the way we unlock devices and options. The home button currently already serves dual as finger print reading capacities as well as regular home button purposes.
  5. Shifted antenna bands:- The weird looking white lines on the back of your iPhone that serve as the antennas seem to have shifted away in newest shell designs all along the edge of the iPhone. While this undoubtedly gives room for exceptionally smooth and fine looking rear panel on the new iPhone, it might trigger some issues with signal reception as normal users would be gripping the antennas directly, or worse still be blocked by even the most basic of covers.

What are your predictions for Apple iPhone7?? Let us know as your comments!


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