How to Integrate Cross Promotion with Online Marketing

How to Integrate Cross Promotion with Online Marketing

Five ways to do cross-promotion for your business are:-

1. Partner with a non-competing brand.

Collaborating with a non-competing brand is a great way of expanding your business to new markets. Among the ideal partners to look for are:

  • Influencers
  • Local Businesses
  • Businesses outside your current niche
  • Nonprofit organizations

Before crafting your posts, you and your partner sh

ould discuss the nature of the content — its tone and description so that it would be relevant to the respective market. As a non-competing business, you should always establish relevance for the market to consider your product or service.

An example worth mentioning is the cross-promotional partnership arrangement between Macy’s and Special Books by Special Kids, a non-profit organization.

2. Online businesses that want to cross-promote v
ia newsletter.

Cross-promotion is popular among mobile applications. Various tools can automate the promotion process, but if you work in a SaaS or own a general online business, you don’t have to give up on this technique. The opportunities are even greater if you are in the business to business market.

To find partners that are willing to cross-prom

ote their services and products, you have two options:

  • Reach out to companies that are not direct competitors and ask if they might be interested in a partnership. You can cross-promote each other’s services through newsletter campaigns. Before reaching out, always do your research and make sure that you agree to associate your company’s name with theirs.
  • Use tools like Cross.Promo which promises to help SaaS and online business find and manage cross-promotion campaigns. The platform gives users the flexibility to segment partners based on the number of users they have and how many of them are actively paying for a service.
3. Social media posts cross-promotion.

Social media is a powerful online marketing

tool that has been proven to influence consumer decision-making. Statistics have shown that 46 percent of consumers’ decision to patronize or purchase a product or service was influenced by a social media post.

Cross-promoting your social media can further enhance

your online marketing efforts:

  • Integrate social media with email marketing.
  • Use your website or blog page.
  • Include social tabs to your Facebook page.
4. Content marketing cross-promotion.

Content marketing reflects the online behavior of the majority of the internet’s searchers.

  • Add links inside your content
  • Update existing links.
  • Blog in other communities.
5. Pinterest cross-promotion.

Pinterest is not as big as Facebook or Google Plus, but it is great as a cross-promotional tool for online marketing content.

  • Create a customized board. Pin images that tell the story of the product, then pin images from your blog, website, Facebook or a landing page. The pins will create a link back to the original content.
  • Create a group board. By creating a group board, you improve the visibility of your page and produce customized content for a varied audience.


If you have any other tip or suggestion, Suggest us as your comments!!

If you have missed out our earlier blog about Cross marketing; Read out here what is Cross Marketing??


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