How To Get Your Company On The Inc. 500

How To Get Your Company On The Inc. 500

The Inc. 500 is a list of the world’s hottest tech startups, and when you consider that the top of the list Loot Crate generates $116.2 million revenue, it’s clear that it’s quite an achievement to make the cut.

To figure out how to get on the Inc. 500, I talked to the management team at 180 Fusion. They’ve gotten on the Inc. 500, been acquired, and know what It takes to achieve massive growth. So how did SEO firm 180Fusion make their way onto this famous list of digital and tech glamour companies? I’ll share some feedback below.

Understanding the Audience

The modern digital consumer is bombarded with advertising and messages all day. They buy ad blockers, skim newsfeeds, and take the meaning of browsing to a new level – experts estimate that their attention span is as short as 8 seconds.

This means that in order to stand out, brands need to be as innovative, exciting, and engaging as possible. While there are obvious ways to achieve this stand-out quality – think weird content like PuppyBabyMonkey – one of the most powerful lies in great use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Part of the reason why 180Fusion has made such an impact is that they focus their approach on the consumer as much as the algorithms that dictate search results.

Using White Hat SEO means that the 180Fusion team not only ensures their brands are visible on search results pages, but also that the consumer features in their strategy.

Think of it like this. White Hat SEO is all about ticking the boxes and making brands relevant to Google based on the way that the search engine itself views digital consumers. And when you consider just how much usage data Google has, playing by their rules is definitely recommended.

By taking an ethical approach, 180Fusion has managed to set themselves apart from less honest SEO specialists – all the while driving significantly more traffic for their clients.

Staying Agile

Agility is a buzzword that’s thrown around a lot in digital circles, but from an operational or service point of view, it is rarely maintained as a mantra.

Despite the misconception that SEO is slow and clumsy, it is arguably the most effective way to enhance a branded digital presence. However, apart from the competition, one of the biggest challenges for less experienced SEO firms is the fact that they are playing in an environment that is constantly changing.

As the largest search engine, Google pulls in massive amounts of data. This is then analyzed and used to update the algorithms that generate search terms.

The goal is to provide the most accurate and relevant search results to users. While this is a bonus for the person on the end of the screen, it is an issue for SEO teams that aren’t as flexible and fluid as 180Fusion.

By keeping track of every Google update, test, and development, 180Fusion is able to advise their clients when there’s a need for change and give advice on how to leverage each algorithm shift to generate opportunity.

It’s kind of like having access to the rule book before anyone else, except in this case everyone’s playing by the same rules – 180Fusion is just faster.

Providing Better Service

As much as SEO has changed over the last few years, one fundamental element of the industry has not changed in centuries, and that’s outstanding client service.

Even the most brilliant and creative companies fail when they are let down by poor customer service, especially in times when anything less than spectacular service is broadcast on every social media platform.

Arguably the greatest driving force behind the recognition that 180Fusion continually receives is that their team is obsessed with customer satisfaction. True passion shines through. It is the fuel that drives service innovation and maintains the highest levels of excellence.

And 180Fusion offers that in abundance.

A Competitive Attitude

As much as it’s important that you give every single existing and prospective customer the very best service, your company isn’t going to make industry-leading lists if you don’t compete.

Once again, the success of 180Fusion is based on their will to succeed. It drives them to stay ahead of SEO trends, outperform their competition, and keep growing.

Not every company is designed or structured to go beyond service and fight for the recognition that they deserve. Others know that they need to match the demands of their field and keep as competitive as possible.

180Fusion has put some much-needed spotlight on the world of SEO and by continuing their award-winning path it’s obvious that they’re setting the benchmark for digital service and performance. And while making the Inc. 500 is a feather in their cap, it’s more likely to spur them on to do more than to land up on their mantelpiece.


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