Android is regarded more important than iOS

Android is regarded more important than iOS

Well yes!! If asked from developers, they prioritize Android over iOS!!

From the outsources the Developers say “the Android platform has matured and become easier to develop for – particularly in UI scaling – iOS has become more complex due to an introduction of split-screen features and new devices. ”

If we compare the ease of functionality development Android leads the waterway. But for the iOS had a few fixed resolutions and higher quality APIs for UI development. Android had a vast array of screen resolutions and aspect ratios, and fairly basic abstractions for dealing with that complexity. However, with the launch of the iPhone 6 and 6 plus in 2014, along with split-screen mode for iPads in 2015, Apple has forced iOS developers down a scalable UI path as well.

Another place where Google has trumped Apple for many developers is with app design. Whereas both Apple and Google now use a flat and minimalist design, many developers prefer the extensive ‘Material Design’ guidelines which Google provides rather than Apple’s relaxed approach. This is causing developers to build for Android first and then adapt their app for iOS; whereas previously the opposite was often the case.

“Users of iOS spend more on real-world goods and services through each device than Android users. However, unlike with downloads and in-app purchases, the difference is nowhere near enough to make up for Android’s larger user base,”

This should be a warapple vs androidning sign for Apple, especially if the new standard is to launch apps first on Android before iOS. One thing is clear, we’ve hit a new turning point in the mobile platform war that’s going to be a challenge for Apple to reverse.



“We’ve hit a new turning point in the mobile platform war that’s going to be a challenge for Apple to reverse”. What will you consider the most?? Leave us your comments.


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