Apple is making changes to the App Store

Apple is making changes to the App Store

The biggest outsource change is that Apple will begin to remove older, outdated apps from the App Store that no longer follow the current review guidelines or have not been updated to support new APIs or features. Removing old apps will also cut down on the number of apps that haven’t been updated for compatibility with newer iOS versions.


Apple vocalized regarding the changes in their official message “We love helping customers discover innovative, useful and exciting apps on the App Store. To make it easier for customers to find great apps that fir their needs, we’re implementing two suggestions from the developer community starting September 7, 2016”

Apple isn’t saying exactly what criteria it will use to remove apps, just that it is “implementing an ongoing process of evaluating apps for these issues, notifying their developers, and removing problematic and abandoned apps.” People who have already downloaded these apps will still be able to download them, developers will be given 30 days to issue an update before their app is removed, and if their apps are removed they will still be associated with that developer’s account and other developers won’t be able to use the names for other apps development.

“We’ll find out the specific dates at Apple’s product event on September 7, the same day that these App Store guidelines take effect.”



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