Use SEO to Create a Strategic Advantage for Your Website

Use SEO to Create a Strategic Advantage for Your Website

Contact us to create a website that stays effect for years and provides your consumers with a memorable experience!!


Anyone can build a boat, but without the right plans, proper tools, and focused maintenance, it will sink. The same goes for websites. There are over 1 billion websites online, however, many have been sunk, abandoned, and left wallowing in the digital depths due to a lack of strategy informing their design.

Here are some ways we use to create a website that not only stays afloat, but provides our client’s passengers (consumers) with a smooth, easy, and memorable journey.

Strategize Wisely

We consider that the website should not be an afterthought and cannot be the client’s only marketing asset. Instead, the website should be a well defined piece of your overarching marketing plan. In order to successfully master this marketing balancing act, we set and stick to a well thought out strategy. In order to do that, we first ask our client’s the following questions:

What are your brand goals? Knowing their brand, inside and out, is the key to success for each and every marketing strategy. Without a thorough, deep understanding of their brand’s culture, offerings, history, and aspirations, we don’t really have a brand to begin with.

What is our client’s brand’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? We ask them to define what makes their brand unique, what makes up their driving force. Are you the fastest? Smartest? Most professional? Least Professional? Whatever it may be, defining your USP is essential to creating your marketing strategy. After the comprehensive understanding we set ourself in the competition and address our client’s business in digital economy.

Who is my client’s ideal audience/consumer? Knowing the motivations, needs, and wants of their audience is paramount to making the right choices for their brand. We create a profile for our client’s ideal consumer and use this to inform the strategy and meet their expectations with the website.We try sending out a survey to our social media followers; this is a great way to obtain any insights we feel.

Which marketing channels (social and traditional) does their intended audience use? Knowing the most frequently used marketing channels that our client uses’ we help them decide on the best channels in which to engage and which types of content to create.

What language or search terms does audience use when researching my client’s product online? Knowing the target audiences vernacular  help us to increase our SEO rankings by using these key terms when creating content.

Function Over Form

A strategy comprises top level goals for our client’s brand. Tactics are the tools we employ to meet these goals. Without strategy, any marketing efforts will be hit or miss, and, more or less, dependent on luck. Their website is the pillar for our digital marketing strategy.

Many businesses, large and small, make the mistake of over thinking design and forgetting function. A website makeover will not automatically lead to better sales or more traffic. There are simply too many competing websites out there to depend on aesthetics as your website’s driving force.

Instead of jumping right into the look of website, which is very easy to do based on the visual nature of the medium, we initiate that well planned strategy takes center stage. We have taken the time to know their brand, so we start by telling their brand story and differentiating them from their competitors. We don’t bury our USP in a glut of other content. We consider, “Shout it loud, make it known why we do, what we do and how we do it best.” This let our clients know what we stand for best in SEO performance.

We make sure the content connects with our client’s ideal consumer. The better we know the audience, the better we can predict how they interact with the website. We use blogs, Twitter feeds, Pinterest boards—other social media tools at our client’s disposal—to help attract visitors. We don’t choose these tools at random: if the ideal consumer doesn’t know what Snapchat is, we don’t use Snapchat.

We create an enjoyable experience by offering a simple, stress-free user interface. We don’t overwhelm the audience. The easier the site is to navigate, longer the audience will stay engaged. We include quick, easily digestible, and trustworthy information that quickly addresses any questions the consumer may have.

And perhaps most importantly: we think beyond the desktop. For many internet users, mobile is the main access point to the web. Having a scalable, easily navigable mobile version of the website is the key to reach our audience where they live.

Note for Content Writers:- Remember, strategy comes before action. Step one is to create a marketing plan, step two is to focus on the website. No matter how great your design looks, all of your efforts will prove worthless without a solid strategy informing every aspect of your company’s brand.

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